Red Trucker Jackets. / by Andrea Lee

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The, seemingly, pessimist nature of the human brain would say that there are so many things that are beyond our control and out of our realm of certainty– so many things that we cannot choose to happen will happen. And to a certain degree, it’s right.

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On the other hand, the alter-ego of that would sip a glass-half-full of iced coffee and say, “Plot twist: we actually can choose.”

how to style a red trucker jacket 6

On the other hand, the alter-ego of that would sip a glass-half-full of iced coffee and say, “Plot twist: we actually can choose.”

I am a strong believer in how we choose to be.

I choose to believe that every moment is an opportunity to grow and be better. I acknowledge failures and struggles. Because, if anything, nothing is ever black-and-white. It’s how we choose to perceive the grey-area that shapes us into who we are.

I choose to not let past ghosts haunt me because who I am today is a direct result of the beautiful and tragic distances I took while running to or away.

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How to style a red trucker jacket 3

I choose not to let past ghosts haunt me because who I am today is a direct result of the beautiful and tragic distances I took while running to or away.

Perhaps, such thinking can be classified as being blindly, and at most, naïvely, optimistic. Regardless, I’ve also come to acknowledge the apparent flaws that come with that.

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how to style a red trucker jacket 4

I choose to think happy because that means being happy –even if it is to the smallest degree. And I’ve come to find that they hide in the little things.

So, I also choose to smile, despite the days where I am subject to forget.

And I choose to do all this because I used to think I didn’t have a choice. But I do, and I’ve realised that there are more fruits to being genuine than there is to being anything else.

The guy living upstairs has also just begun to blast some obnoxiously loud electronic music so maybe that’s also my cue to leave.

Here’s to eighteen sentences for the past eighteen years

And here’s to choosing to wear a bright red trucker jacket because I wanted to, not because I felt like I had to.

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