Today I am, / by Andrea Lee

Today I am, a poem

A Flair mejuri international womens day 1
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mejuri a flair. collab international womens day  2 star singet

Today I am, a beautiful

oxymoron— and I

always will be.


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mejuri A Flair collab 3 international womens day
mejuri A Flair collab 4 international womens day

A beautiful oxymoron,

is like pink sunsets streaking across the opaque sky, smothering the ozone with love that it cannot requite.

It’s also, an impossible couplet that seems to exist, regardless — even if only by the simple relation — through the way the letters are strung along the same horizontal line.

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mejuri A Flair collab 7 international womens day
mejuri A Flair collab 8 international womens day

Strong but broken.

Delicate but bold.

Pained, but joyful.

Compassionate but ruthless.

Driven but tired.

and uncertain.
Adept but still learning.
Dejected but hopeful.
Beautiful and ugly.
Confident, but still susceptible to the occasional shake of glimpse from a warped reflection.

Able and unable, sometimes.
Human. But also, out of this goddamn world.

It is the but’s and the and’s that weave the foundation of her character and all the ones that graced before her or are with her right now.

mejuri A Flair collab 5 international womens day

And although, prideful with a dash of arrogance that sometimes we may be too righteous and stubborn to admit — she is grateful and appreciative of everything that has happened and will continue to happen.

She’s a beautiful oxymoron, riddled with intricacies that some may never understand. Layered with complexities that swim beyond the shallow end of the pool, because it’s these oxymorons that help her blossom.

And thrive.

So don’t punish her for being any less than who is she, or for being more than what you expected of her. And don’t penalize her for the “nature” of who is is. Because there’s more to just her “nature” if you care to take a gander, and I pray that you’d discover the smooth valleys and rough cliffs within her mind that make her inherently her.

Happy International Women’s day, my dearies. xx

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