
Today I am, by Andrea Lee

Today I am, a poem

A beautiful oxymoron, is like pink sunsets streaking across the opaque sky, smothering the ozone with love that it cannot requite. It’s also, an impossible couplet that seems to exist, regardless — even if only by the simple relation — through the way the letters are strung along the same horizontal line.

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A Flair 3.0 by Andrea Lee

A Flair 3.0

dear you, the reader, the friend,

WELCOME welcome WELCOME to A Flair! again!! for the third time!!! A Flair 3.0 !!!!

i am hellishly indecisive & have mulled over investing in a domain for THE longest time. So here I am, finally sitting my ass down, buying a domain & taking a jump — a promise to you & to myself, to see & explore all that it is I can grow to be.

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coming back. by Andrea Lee

coming back.

I stumbled upon a video interview with Aimee Song and Eva Chen, director of fashion partnerships at Instagram, on an unspectacular day whilst sitting alone in my apartment. And halfway through the interview, she eloquently opined, “Social media is a community.”

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in memoriam. by Andrea Lee

in memoriam.

despite the near countless explanations to confused faces, i spent my first semester of college abroad. and these past four months have gone by faster than i could have ever imagined.

this is not something i leave behind; this is something i take with me.
this is not a woeful ballad; this is a joyful remembrance.
because, this is in memoriam.

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